Sunday, October 7, 2012

Have you got your rhythm?

Rhythm:  a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound; a regularly recurring sequence of events, actions, or processes.

We recently had our first MOPS meeting and dove straight into the Mom Connection theme book.  The author talked about hula hoops and finding her rhythm as a child to keep them up on her hips.  She equated the swinging of those hoops to motherhood and how we have so many hoops to keep up with:  the role of mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and the list goes on.  Sometimes we may be able to swing those hoops in a beautiful fluid motion and other times...not so much.

The thing with motherhood is that so often when we feel like we've finally got our rhythm:  infants sleeping through the night (wa-hoo!) then something else occurs.  For me, when my first-born slept through the night, I rejoiced thinking, "Finally...a good night's sleep!"  That lasted all of one week before those little teeth started coming in, making him fussy, waking him back up in the night.  When we finally got the "swing" of teething and how all that went, he started walking around 9 months and it was time to make sure I REALLY child-proofed the house!  On top of that ... I became pregnant with our second child!

Since I have become a mom, I've realized I'm constantly trying to find my rhythm.  

Every time I think I've got it, life's beat changes on me and I have to find it again.  It's a constant learning experience for me.  And wow!  I am so thankful for my MOPS moms who are there to go through it with me.  No, we are not synchronized like the swimmers in the Olympics.  Our performance is not that rigid.  Ours is more of a dance party where we all have fun whether we know how to dance or not.

I don't think God expects us to have a perfect rhythm, nor does He expect one rhythm to work for everyone.  How boring would it be if the radio station only played one song?  Instead, God draws us nearer to Him through our search to find the rhythm of life and He keeps it exciting as it changes.  As it changes, we learn and grow in our love for Him.  How awesome is that?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Community Leadership Training & Networking Events

COMING a city near you! Community Events! Below is a list of the events going on this month. You have likely received an E-vite invitation or saw a link to RSVP to that invitation on this Facebook page or your local one. If you haven't RSVP'd, please try to do so in order for your leaders to plan accordingly. :) THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR TRAINING AND/OR NETWORKING!

October 6- 12pm-3pm, Freedom Fellowship Church, Virginia Beach
hosted by Julie, Kymmie and Lauren 
October 12- 7pm-9pm, Lucie Monroe's 1600 Roanoke St., Christiansburg
hosted by Nickole and Teresa
October 13- 9am-12pm, Chantilly Bible Church, Chantilly
hosted by Patty and Stephanie
October 13- 9am-12pm, Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, Fredericksburg
hosted by Kelly
October 27- 9:30am-12:30pm Westover Hills United Methodist Church, Richmond - childcare available at this one!
hosted by Jackie

Monday, October 1, 2012

Children Notice More than We Think

                                          Children Notice More than We Think

                                                              Lauren Holmes

                                              Community Networker, Area 25
We have all heard the phrase, “do as I say, not as I do.”  Most of us know that children are not only listening to what we say, but also watching our actions.  I often ask myself, “does what I say line up with what I do?”  In my own house, it seems as if my children often copy my actions even more than the words that I say.

 When I had my first born, I was a lot busier than I am now, and I would often rush from one activity to another, totally stressed.  It took me a while to realize that because I was nervous and rushing, (and my son was watching me,) he was also becoming nervous and irritable as well.

Once I began to practice better time management and relax more, I noticed that my son calmed down too.  It was almost as if he too took a big sigh of relief, glad that that mommy was finally slowing down!

Although my children are just one and two, I am already seeing hints that my behavior speaks volumes to them!   My two year old repeats everything that I say, so I am careful to monitor the words that come out of my mouth.

But it’s not just what we say that matters.  When my kids get a little older, they will begin to notice even more of my true nature.  If I tell them that they can only watch G-rated movies, but they wake up from a nightmare and wander downstairs to find me watching a movie that glorifies cursing, sex and violence, then am I really setting a good example?  When my kids are old enough to get on Facebook, will they see that what I’ve taught them is really who I am, or will they be surprised at the words that I type?

The word tells us, “be holy as I am holy.”  Every day, I try to ask myself, am I really reflecting God in my everyday life?  As Christians, we are to model God’s character not just around our babies, but also everywhere that we go, and in everything that we do.  Even during mom’s night out, our speech and behavior should still bring glory to God and set an example. 

We not only represent God, but we also represent our children too.  Let’s make sure that our example is a godly one that they will always be proud to follow.